Antifoaming Agents Distributor

Efficiently prevents foam formation

As a manufacturer and distributor of antifoam agents, we have a range of products suitable for fishery products as well as meat and vegetables. This range of antifoaming agents eliminates the foam that forms during the production process. The defoaming effect is achieved by reducing the surface tension of the water and is highly productive by requiring only small doses in solution that are effectively dispersed over a wide spectrum of pH and temperature. Contact our technical team to buy antifoaming agents adapted to your needs.


  • Anti-foam effect reducing the surface pressure of water.
  • Facilitates the work in the productive processes.
  • Eliminates the formation of the foam produced in the manufacturing processes.
  • It does not cause detectable residues.
  • Safe to use.


  • Additives suitable for all types of products and their different cuts.
  • Additives used in the water of glazers, brine freezing tunnels, cooking pots.
  • Additive considered as a technological adjuvant.
  • Formulations adjusted to the laws
    of the various countries where applicable.

Antifoaming Agents

Classified by Fishery Products

Fish, meat and vegetable products




Immediate results

If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact our technical team.